The “American Dream” project we created for IKEA got picked up by the New York Times 😉 Well done Becca, Heather, Yusef, Audrey, and Jen!
Author Archives: kati
SwingStar VR at Global VR Challenge in Shanghai
SwingStar VR was selected as a finalist for the 2016 Global VR Challenge, and we were invited to attend the awards ceremony at China Joy Expo in Shanghai, China. Our game beat out 144 global competitors to win honorable mention, and as a bonus we got to explore the strangely familiar streets of Shanghai in unbearably hot and humid weather, and making friends with local VR enthusiasts and the other finalists. Amazing!
SwingStarVR out this Thursday
We did it – SwingStar is coming out this Thursday, and all we can say is THANK YOU!!!!!
It’s been quite an experience to be a small indie studio and develop a virtual reality game. We are extremely grateful to you all for coming out and playing the game, and for helping us with your feedback and encouragement.
SwingStar will be out for for GearVR and Oculus Rift Thursday, May 5th or, as we like to call it, “Swinco de Mayo”! $2.99 (GearVR) and $4.99 (Oculus Rift)
Thank you again for your support, and if you like it, please share the game with your friends.
PS We are putting the finishing touches on the Vive version of SwingStar, available soon. Also, you can play the newest levels (not released yet) at the Playcrafting Summer Expo on May 4 at Microsoft Times Square. We would love to see you!
SwingStarVR at PAX East
At our small but very popular PAX SwingStar booth we spent three straight days demoing the game on five devices simultaneously, and handing out pins, tattoos and businesscards to over 600 visitors. Day 1 crowds got so large and enthusiastic that the PAX enforcers had to add neon guidelines to the floor, and we struggled to keep wait times short despite capping game play at 8 minutes.
PAX was even more epic than anticipated, and the enormous convention center was filled with exciting cosplay, games, technology and, most of all, amazing people. We were extremely fortunate that we got to be a part of this wonderful, well run event, and hope to see you there next year!
SwingStar VR at the Met Media Lab
Bunny Love
Team Bunnylove has been furiously at work finishing new levels and characters, recruiting beta testers, building a community on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram. We will be presenting the game at the Sheep’s Meow Arcade (Jan 16), Playcrafting (Feb 5), and Indiecade East (Feb 14), come say hello if you see us there!

Working on new characters for Bunnylove
Rolling out new Economist template & assets
We are rolling out the new global Economist Group Media Businesses template this January. In addition to the template, there is an image library of over 3,000 pre-formatted images (including 400 icons), pre-fromatted slides (with charts, mockups, and maps), slides with current information about products and data, redesigned request forms and tutorials, all searchable by keyword, and compatible with each other.
Travel sketchbook: India & Dubai
Travel sketchbook: London
Documenting Brooklyn Grange Rooftop Farm
Come out & Play
It was great to catch up with old friends and meet some new ones at New York’s annual playdate, which features an array of games from global and local makers, game designers, and tinkerers. The event took place in Dumbo, under the Manhattan bridge, and in some of the neighboring spaces near the water.